In an environment of brotherhood, the Gus Garcia Young Men's Leadership Academy develops scholars who are empathetic, service-oriented problem-solvers, and lifelong learners who succeed in high school, college, career and life.
The all-boys academy in East Austin offers a world of opportunities from dual language, social justice, fine arts, athletics, science and engineering to help students achieve their greatest potential.
Garcia has student council, UT STEM Outreach, UT Neighborhood Network, Boy Scouts, e-Sports, cooking club, and math league. Garcia offers Career and Technical Education classes through Project Lead the Way, a national leader in science, technology, engineering, and math programs.
Community support is key to the students' success. Garcia connects each student with mentors and resources through the Cedric Benson Mentoring Program, Project MALES, Seedling, Mount Bonnell, the Colony Park Association, and other community partnerships. Garcia is part of the LBJ and Northeast families of schools. As early college high schools, LBJ and Northeast offer students the opportunity to earn college credit and graduate with an associate degree.
Marshall Middle School* for 6th grade only 2023-24 School Year
* Choice Schools: Marshall, Gus Garcia and Bertha Sadler Means
See Marshall's page for more information about middle school enrollment.
En un entorno de hermandad, la Academia de Liderazgo para Hombres Jóvenes Gus García desarrolla alumnos empáticos, solucionadores de problemas orientados al servicio y aprendices de por vida que tienen éxito en la preparatoria, la universidad, la carrera profesional y la vida.
La academia para varones en el este de Austin ofrece un mundo de oportunidades, desde Lenguaje Dual, justicia social, bellas artes y deportes, hasta ciencia e ingeniería, para ayudar a los estudiantes a alcanzar su mayor potencial.
García tiene un Consejo Estudiantil, la extensión a STEM de UT, la Red de Vecindario de UT, Boy Scouts, deportes electrónicos, un club de cocina y la Liga de Matemáticas. García ofrece clases de educación profesional y técnica a través de Project Lead the Way, un líder nacional en programas de ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas.
El apoyo de la comunidad es clave para el éxito de los estudiantes. García conecta a cada estudiante con mentores y recursos a través del Programa de Mentores Cedric Benson, el Proyecto MALES, Seedling, Mount Bonnell, la Asociación Colony Park y otras asociaciones comunitarias. García forma parte de las familias de escuelas de LBJ y Northeast. Como escuelas preparatorias de universidad temprana, LBJ y Northeast ofrecen a los estudiantes la oportunidad de obtener crédito universitario y graduarse con un título técnico superior.
Signature Programs
Student & Family Supports
After-school Meals
Breakfast in the Classroom
Communities in Schools
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
School Mental Health Centers
Performance | Demographics
2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above
2022 Accountability
As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.
Source: Texas Education Agency