
The modernized Norman-Sims Elementary School was officially re-named by the Board of Trustees and opened in December of 2020. The school features flexible learning spaces, natural light, outdoor classrooms, and new media technology. A modernized school allows students to be active learners in 21st-century learning spaces as they collaborate, use technology, and move within the classroom. The community chose Trailblazers as our mascot. The Trailblazers will help set a standard to ensure inspiration, creativity, and motivation for students to accomplish their wildest dreams and become their own Trailblazer! Norman-Sims Elementary fosters a cooperative environment to enhance the academic, social, and emotional moral growth of students. Norman-Sims is part of the LBJ and Northeast Early College High School families of schools which support preparation for college-level courses beginning in 9th grade - allowing students to graduate from high school with a diploma and an associate degree

Marshall Middle School* for 6th grade only 2023-24 School Year

* Choice Schools: Marshall, Gus Garcia and Bertha Sadler Means

See Marshall's page for more information about middle school enrollment.

La mesa directiva le cambió oficialmente el nombre a la Escuela Primaria Norman-Sims modernizada, que abrió en diciembre de 2020. La escuela tiene espacios de aprendizaje flexibles, luz natural, aulas al aire libre y nuevos medios tecnológicos. Una escuela modernizada permite a los estudiantes ser alumnos activos en los espacios de aprendizaje del siglo XXI al colaborar, usar tecnología y moverse dentro del aula. La comunidad eligió a Trailbazers (Pioneros) como nuestra mascota. Los Trailblazers ayudarán a establecer un estándar para garantizar la inspiración, la creatividad y la motivación para que los estudiantes alcancen sus sueños más audaces y ¡se conviertan ellos mismos en pioneros! La Primaria Norman-Sims fomenta un entorno cooperativo para aumentar el crecimiento moral académico, social y emocional de los estudiantes. Norman-Sims forma parte de las familias de las escuelas preparatorias de universidad temprana LBJ y Northeast, que apoyan la preparación para cursos de nivel universitario a partir de 9.° grado, lo cual les permite a los estudiantes graduarse de la preparatoria con un diploma y un título técnico superior.

For more information visit the Campus Website

Signature Programs

Student & Family Supports

After-school Meals
After-school Programming—Free
After-school Programming—Tuition-based
Communities in Schools
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
School Mental Health Centers

Performance | Demographics

2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above

58%57%39%54%0102030405060708090100ReadingMathematicsScienceAll Subjects

2022 Accountability

As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.

Accountability Rating: B

Student Achievement: Not Rated: SB 1365

School Progress: B

Closing the Gaps: C

Source: Texas Education Agency

2023-24 Student Demographics

African American38.2%Hispanic49.1%White4.4%American Indian0.7%Asian4.0%Pacific Islander0%Two or More Races3.6%Economically DisadvantagedEnglish Language LearnersSpecial Education94.9%33.8%14.5%Enrollment: 275(As of 10/27/2023)