The Everyone:1 initiative launched in Fall of 2017. High school students were assigned their own device, followed by 8th grade students in Fall of 2019. Beginning in Spring of 2020, all AISD students were able to receive an assigned device for use at school and home from Austin ISD.
As our program continues to evolve, there have been updates to our Everyone:1 and Bond Technology program. Based on feedback from our Long-Range Planning Committee, we have transitioned to 2-in-1 Chromebooks for all of our students. Pre-K through 2nd grade students will use a Chromebook for their learning experiences within the classroom, while our 3rd through 12th grade students are assigned a Chromebook (with charger and optional carrying case).
Consent for student devices is included within the Austin ISD student registration process. Parents may complete the registration process through the Austin ISD portal using their parent account. All students will follow the Austin ISD Responsible Use Policy.
Device Care and Tips
Explore this resource to learn about how to take care of your device: https://bit.ly/AISDdevicecare
Campus Support Center
Each campus has a campus student device manager. Teachers and other campus staff can also support and know how to direct students when assistance is needed.
Finding Help for Your Device
Students and families can visit our Digital Resources webpage for additional tips, including Technology Tutorial videos for Students.
Use AISD Help to report an issue about your device.
Learning about Your Device
What is a Chromebook and/or iPad? Please see more information on each device on our Digital Resources webpage.
Are the Chromebooks filtered at school? At home?
The short answer is yes to both. We have software on the devices that filters the content both at school and at home. We do think it is important to know that no filter is 100% effective at blocking questionable content on the internet. The internet changes much faster than content filtering can adapt. That is also why we will be teaching students more about digital citizenship and internet safety. The world we live in is hyper-connected, and we believe it is our responsibility in our schools to help children learn the power of those connections but also the potential perils.
Who makes the decision on what is filtered or not filtered from the internet?
The Children’s Internet Protection Act requires school districts as a condition of using federal E-rate dollars to filter access to depictions that are obscene, child pornography and harmful to minors. Read more about that here: https://www.fcc.gov/guides/childrens-internet-protection-act. No filter is 100% effective as rapidly as the internet changes, so we also implement specific lessons in Internet Safety from Common Sense Media. If a site is submitted for review, it is evaluated against the stated educational benefit and potential for harm or misuse and, filtered or not filtered accordingly.
What if my child goes to inappropriate sites?
Progressive discipline will be administered according to the Austin ISD Student Handbook, and we will use these as opportunities for learning as warranted by the facts of each individual instance. Our belief is that we are also teaching students to use resources effectively, ethically and productively. We will use indiscretions as teaching opportunities to reinforce those aspects of this work.
Who will receive the devices?
Our students in 3rd through 12th grade are assigned a Chromebook (with charger and optional carrying case).
Why does my child need an Austin ISD device?
We hope that you will want your child to participate fully in a connected technology experience, having full access to multiple learning perspectives and opportunities. If your child has a device that meets the minimum specifications, that is awesome. You are welcome to bring it and use it at your own risk, even at school.
What if I don't want my child to have a device to bring home?
In Austin ISD, we are defining access to technology tools as part of our educational program, which includes the ability to complete work and assignments at home. Students may be able to store their device at school, but the intent is for students to have use at school and at home. For exceptions to this policy, please reach out to your campus admin.
What if my child’s device is damaged or destroyed?
Your child may visit their campus device manager to request a replacement device. The first replacement may be available at no cost. Any instance after will result in a charge. Payment will be collected at the campus. If you have any questions, please contact your campus directly.
What if my child loses the device?
Lost or stolen devices must be reported to the campus immediately. Reporting the device will allow the district to disable the device and provide a replacement. If the lost or stolen device is located, the child must return the device to the campus device manager. If you have any questions, please contact your campus directly.
What if my child loses their charger?
Your child may visit their campus device manager to request a replacement charger. Replacement chargers may also be purchased from a variety of retailers. You can find an example here. Please note, each campus may enforce their own replacement or repayment policy for chargers. If you have any questions about your campus’s policy, please contact your campus directly.
How does my student store the computer during P.E., band or after-school activities?
The devices are small enough to fit into a backpack and would be stored in the same secure location as school materials are stored currently for these types of events. If your child is in need of a case for their device, please reach out to your campus.
What do I do if my child is changing schools?
If your child is moving to another Austin ISD school, including transitioning to middle school or high school, your child will keep their device. If your child is leaving Austin ISD, please return your device to your campus during the withdrawal process.
How will my child use their device to support their learning?
The district has a variety of tools to support learning. Please speak with your child’s teacher(s) about what this might look like for them.