Publications Archive
Professional Pathways for Teachers: 2020–2021 Evaluation Report
PPfT evolved in several distinct ways in 2020–2021. PPfT PL opportunities continued to expand as a new pathway, CPI, was launched. It was also the first year all teachers automatically participated in PPfT com-pensation. Revising the IP and PGR rubrics in collaboration with the PPfT oversight committee was also a major implementation goal achieved in 2020–2021. PPfT continues to work toward its goal of empowering and professionalizing teachers by offering more competitive salaries, more targeted PL opportunities that align with district initiatives, and more leadership opportunities.
Austin Partners in Education Summary Report: 2020–2021
In 2020–2021, APIE aimed to align programs and resources to help AISD students navigate the new educational landscape brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and school closures. While APIE’s goals continued to focus on supporting ECHS students in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to enroll, persist, and succeed in postsecondary education, priorities were free to be adjusted based on the shifting needs of students and campuses. As planned, APIE supported academic and college readiness programs through multiple academic coaching services focused on taking college readiness exams.
CARES: Implementation, Impact, and Adaptation, 2020–2021
This report contains descriptions of implementation and impact data related to CARES's effect on students, families and staff in 2020–2021. Responses to CARES-related survey items showed the majority of respondents were impacted positively. Further, the CARES team increased employee recognition efforts, the number of RAVEs given increased to 3,667, and, Let's Talk dialogues increased to almost 50,000. Expanding the Let's Talk communication platform was especially helpful to families during winter storm Uri. Qualitative data reflected the emphasis on customer service and…
Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) Foundation Communities Cycle 9 Final Report, 2020-2021
The Texas Afterschool Centers on Education is the program administered through the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grants. The Texas ACE Foundation Communities Cycle 9 program is composed of a compilation of activities at 3 AISD campuses that provide a comprehensive range of high quality and innovative out-of-school time opportunities for students and families. This report examines outcomes of program participants for school year 2020 – 2021.
Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) Boys and Girls Clubs of the Austin Area Cycle 10 Final Report, 2020-2021
The Texas Afterschool Centers on Education is the program administered through the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grants. The Texas ACE Boys and Girls Clubs of Austin Area Cycle 10 program is composed of a compilation of activities at 9 AISD campuses that provide a comprehensive range of high quality and innovative out-of-school time opportunities for students and families. This report examines outcomes of program participants for school year 2020 – 2021.
Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) Austin Cycle 9 Final Report, 2020-2021
The Texas Afterschool Centers on Education is the program administered through the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grants. The Texas ACE Austin Cycle 9 program is composed of a compilation of activities at 10 AISD campuses that provide a comprehensive range of high quality and innovative out-of-school time opportunities for students and families. This report examines outcomes of program participants for school year 2020 – 2021.
Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) Austin Cycle 10 Final Report, 2020-2021
The Texas Afterschool Centers on Education is the program administered through the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grants. The Texas ACE Austin Cycle 10 program is composed of a compilation of activities at 10 AISD campuses that provide a comprehensive range of high quality and innovative out-of-school time opportunities for students and families. This report examines outcomes of program participants for school year 2020 – 2021.
Culturally Responsive Restorative Practices: Preliminary Data from Participating Schools, 2020-2021
Culturally Responsive Restorative Practices, an innovative framework intended to counteract discipline disparities and improve school climate and culture, entered year 3 of implementation in 2020-2021. Highlights from ten participating schools included improved perceptions of school climate by students and staff and consistent participation in professional learning and community building opportunities by staff members.
High School Exit Survey (HSES), Executive Summary, Spring 2021
This report provides highlights from the 2021 High School Exit Survey and includes AISD seniors’ reports of college and career preparation activities, perceptions of school experiences, and aspirations for the future.
Gender-Diverse Students' Experiences in AISD
Gender-diverse secondary students (i.e., students in grades 6-11 who identify as transgender, nonbinary, or questioning) continue to report a more challenging school climate than their cisgender peers, according to results from the 2020-2021 AISD Student Climate Survey. This report highlights the largest differences in students' perceptions and includes qualitative responses from gender-diverse students about when they feel welcome or unwelcome at school. Recommendations for strengthening supports for gender-diverse students are discussed.