
Offering a warm, supportive, and diverse learning environment with high expectations for all students, St. Elmo Elementary School is located just south of downtown Austin. St. Elmo offers Dual Language, social and emotional learning, Creative Learning Initiative, Neighborhood Longhorns, PEAS Outdoor Learning, Prime Time after-school enrichment, and the Austin Partners in Education Classroom Coaching programs. St. Elmo is an SEL Seed Model Campus and an AVID College Readiness school, where we help students meet social, organizational, and higher thinking needs as they prepare for college. Come learn, belong, and grow at St. Elmo!

Ofreciendo un entorno de aprendizaje cálido, solidario y diverso con altas expectativas para todos los estudiantes, la Escuela Primaria St. Elmo se encuentra justo al sur del centro de Austin. St. Elmo ofrece Lenguaje Dual, aprendizaje social y emocional, la Iniciativa de Aprendizaje Creativo, Neighborhood Longhorns, aprendizaje al aire libre de PEAS, enriquecimiento después de clases de Prime Time y el programa de Preparación en el Salón de Clases de Austin Partners in Education. St. Elmo es un campus modelo SEL Seed y una escuela AVID College Readiness, donde ayudamos a los estudiantes a satisfacer sus necesidades sociales, organizativas y de pensamiento superior mientras se preparan para la universidad. ¡Ven a aprender, pertenecer y crecer en St. Elmo!

For more information visit the Campus Website

Signature Programs

Student & Family Supports

After-school Programming—Free
Breakfast in the Classroom
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Performance | Demographics

2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above

78%65%65%70%0102030405060708090100ReadingMathematicsScienceAll Subjects

2022 Accountability

As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.

Accountability Rating: A

Student Achievement: C

School Progress: A

Closing the Gaps: C

2022 Distinction Designations

Comparative Academic Growth
Academic Achievement: Reading/ELA
Academic Achievement: Science

Source: Texas Education Agency

2023-24 Student Demographics

African American4.3%Hispanic68.9%White21.1%American Indian0%Asian2.7%Pacific Islander0%Two or More Races3.0%Economically DisadvantagedEnglish Language LearnersSpecial Education79.6%59.9%17.4%Enrollment: 299(As of 10/27/2023)