Oak Hill Elementary prepares each child for life and challenges each child to achieve in a loving, structured, and stimulating environment. When your child enters Oak Hill Elementary, you can be assured they will be nurtured in both academic and social areas, with a focus on a well-rounded curriculum. Oak Hill Elementary is also known for having outstanding parent and community involvement; many of the great programs at Oak Hill are family-led and managed. The interaction of the community and the involvement of many truly makes the Oak Hill special! Oak Hill Elementary is the first campus in Austin ISD to implement the Leader in Me program, focused on teaching students leadership skills through Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
La Primaria Oak Hill prepara a cada niño para la vida y desafía a cada niño a alcanzar logros en un ambiente cariñoso, estructurado y estimulante. Cuando su hijo ingrese a la Primaria Oak Hill, puede estar seguro de que lo educarán en áreas tanto académicas como sociales, con un enfoque en un plan de estudios integral. La Primaria Oak Hill también es conocida por tener una participación destacada de los padres de familia y la comunidad; muchos de los excelentes programas en Oak Hill están liderados y administrados por las familias. ¡La interacción de la comunidad y la participación de muchos realmente hacen que Oak Hill sea especial!
Signature Programs
Student & Family Supports
After-school Programming—Tuition-based
Performance | Demographics
2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above
2022 Accountability
As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.
Source: Texas Education Agency