Navarro Early College High School is a dynamic educational institution dedicated to the holistic development of its 1700 students. Our primary focus is on preparing students for post-secondary readiness, and to achieve this goal, we offer a diverse range of opportunities. At Navarro, we believe in providing students with a well-rounded high school experience that can include athletics, early college programs, fine arts, and career and technical education. These offerings ensure that students can explore their passions and interests while gaining valuable skills that will serve them well in the future. One of our most significant advantages is our Early College program. Navarro students can earn college credit while working towards their high school diploma. This program empowers our students to graduate not only with a solid educational foundation but also with an associate degree, giving them a head start on their higher education journey. At Navarro Early College High School, we foster an environment where students can connect, grow, and make the most out of their high school years. We believe in the potential of each student and are committed to providing them with the tools and experiences they need to succeed academically and personally. Our school is not just a place of learning; it's a community that supports and nurtures the aspirations of our students as they prepare for their bright futures.
Navarro Early College High School es una institución educativa dinámica dedicada al desarrollo integral de sus 1700 estudiantes. Nuestro enfoque principal es preparar a los estudiantes para la preparación postsecundaria y, para lograr este objetivo, ofrecemos una amplia gama de oportunidades. En Navarro, creemos en brindarles a los estudiantes una experiencia integral en la escuela secundaria que puede incluir deportes, programas universitarios tempranos, bellas artes y educación profesional y técnica. Estas ofertas garantizan que los estudiantes puedan explorar sus pasiones e intereses mientras adquieren habilidades valiosas que les serán de gran utilidad en el futuro. Una de nuestras ventajas más importantes es nuestro programa Early College. Los estudiantes de Navarro pueden obtener créditos universitarios mientras trabajan para obtener su diploma de escuela secundaria. Este programa permite a nuestros estudiantes graduarse no solo con una base educativa sólida sino también con un título asociado, lo que les brinda una ventaja en su trayectoria de educación superior. En Navarro Early College High School, fomentamos un ambiente donde los estudiantes pueden conectarse, crecer y aprovechar al máximo sus años de escuela secundaria. Creemos en el potencial de cada estudiante y estamos comprometidos a brindarles las herramientas y experiencias que necesitan para tener éxito académica y personalmente. Nuestra escuela no es sólo un lugar de aprendizaje; es una comunidad que apoya y fomenta las aspiraciones de nuestros estudiantes mientras se preparan para su brillante futuro.
Signature Programs
Student & Family Supports
After-school Meals
Child Care During the Day
Communities in Schools
Community School
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
School Based Mental Health Center
Performance | Demographics
2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above
2022 Accountability
As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.
2022 Distinction Designations
Postsecondary Readiness
Academic Achievement: Reading/ELA
Source: Texas Education Agency