
Kocurek Elementary is a South Austin campus with rich history and long-standing traditions. Kocurek provides a cooperative, experience-based environment to nurture appeciation for academics, fine arts, and physical fitness. Our mission at Kocurek is to listen to the voices of our students, staff, and families, to gain a better understanding of what drives success, motivates and influences learning, and cultivates relationships with our community.

La Primaria Kocurek es una escuela en el sur de Austin con rica historia y tradiciones de larga data. Kocurek proporciona un ambiente cooperativo basado en la experiencia para fomentar la apreciación por los estudios académicos, las bellas artes y la aptitud física. Nuestra misión en Kocurek es escuchar las voces de nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias, para obtener una mejor comprensión de lo que impulsa el éxito, motiva e influye en el aprendizaje, y cultiva las relaciones con nuestra comunidad.

For more information visit the Campus Website

Signature Programs

Student & Family Supports

After-school Programming—Tuition-based
Child Care During the Day
School Mental Health Centers
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Performance | Demographics

2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above

78%61%65%69%0102030405060708090100ReadingMathematicsScienceAll Subjects

2022 Accountability

As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.

Accountability Rating: B

Student Achievement: C

School Progress: A

Closing the Gaps: C

2022 Distinction Designations

Comparative Academic Growth

Source: Texas Education Agency

2023-24 Student Demographics

African American6.8%Hispanic56.6%White28.3%American Indian0.2%Asian2.6%Pacific Islander0.6%Two or More Races5.0%Economically DisadvantagedEnglish Language LearnersSpecial Education60.6%17.9%25.3%Enrollment: 502(As of 10/27/2023)