Dawson Elementary is a diverse, inclusive neighborhood school located in the heart of South Austin. Dawson is committed to inspirational excellence and high achievement, offering a one-way Dual Language program. Our community of families and the school?s highly educated faculty support each child?s development and success. Dawson is part of the Travis Early College High School family of schools, which offers students the opportunity to earn college credit and graduate with an associate degree.
La Primaria Dawson es una escuela del vecindario diversa e inclusiva ubicada en el corazón del sur de Austin. Dawson está comprometida con la excelencia inspiradora y el alto rendimiento, ofreciendo programas de Lenguaje Dual. Nuestra comunidad de familias y los maestros altamente educados de la escuela apoyan el desarrollo y el éxito de cada niño. Dawson forma parte de la familia de escuelas de la Escuela Preparatoria de Universidad Temprana Travis, que ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de obtener crédito universitario y graduarse con un título técnico superior.
Signature Programs
Student & Family Supports
After-school Programming—Free
After-school Programming—Tuition-based
Breakfast in the Classroom
Child Care During the Day
Communities in Schools
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
Performance | Demographics
2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above
2022 Accountability
As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.
Source: Texas Education Agency