
Casey Elementary is a dynamic school with exemplary staff and the best of the best students. High expectations and academic excellence are the mighty pillars of our school. Each child is a treasured, unique human being, and the Casey family is dedicated to the task of helping all our students reach their maximum potential. Our teachers, staff, families, and volunteers work as a community to encourage independent thinking, foster a lifelong love of learning, and create responsible citizens.

La Primaria Casey es una escuela dinámica con personal ejemplar y estudiantes que son lo mejor de lo mejor. Las altas expectativas y la excelencia académica son los poderosos pilares de nuestra escuela. Cada niño es un ser humano atesorado y único, y la familia de Casey está dedicada a la tarea de ayudar a todos nuestros estudiantes a alcanzar su máximo potencial. Nuestros maestros, personal, familias y voluntarios trabajan como comunidad para alentar el pensamiento independiente, fomentar un amor de por vida por el aprendizaje y crear ciudadanos responsables.

For more information visit the Campus Website

Signature Programs

Student & Family Supports

After-school Meals
After-school Programming—Free
After-school Programming—Tuition-based
Breakfast in the Classroom
Child Care During the Day
Community Eligibility Provision School (Free Lunch)
School Mental Health Centers
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Performance | Demographics

2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above

82%69%83%77%0102030405060708090100ReadingMathematicsScienceAll Subjects

2022 Accountability

As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.

Accountability Rating: A

Student Achievement: C

School Progress: A

Closing the Gaps: B

2022 Distinction Designations

Comparative Academic Growth

Source: Texas Education Agency

2023-24 Student Demographics

African American6.4%Hispanic66.5%White20.0%American Indian0%Asian4.0%Pacific Islander0%Two or More Races3.1%Economically DisadvantagedEnglish Language LearnersSpecial Education55.7%20.6%23.1%Enrollment: 519(As of 10/27/2023)