Head Start

Austin ISD Head Start Pre-K3 Program

Register your 3-year-old child for free, full-day, AISD Head Start Pre-K3 Program. The program serves children who turn 3 on or before September 1 of the current school year. The program provides free breakfast, lunch, and a free snack every day in a high-quality developmentally appropriate environment. For more information, view the Head Start Program Print Flyer.

What do I need to enroll my child in Austin ISD Pre-K3 Head Start Program?

  • Parent/guardian photo identification (driver’s license, state identification card or passport)
  • Proof of residency (utility bill in parent/guardians name)
  • Proof of child’s age (birth certificate)
  • Updated child immunization records

Qualification is based on income (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services–ASPE–Poverty Guidelines)

  • Proof of income can be any one of the following:
    • Previous year tax returns
    • All W-2s for previous year
    • Pay stubs for all jobs in the past 12 months
    • TANF, SSI, grants, scholarships and award letters
    • Child support records
    • Workers or unemployment compensation
    • Veteran or military benefits
    • Letters from an employer

AISD Head Start Pre-K3 Schools

If the school in your neighborhood is full, you may apply at any other school. As long as you live in Travis County, you qualify based on income and you can transport your child to school every day.

School Address

Phone Number

Guerrero Thompson Elementary 102 E. Rundberg Lane, Austin, TX 78753 512-414-8400
Jordan Elementary 6711 Johnny Morris Road, Austin, TX 78724


Houston Elementary 5409 Ponciana Dr., Austin, TX 78744 512-414-2517
Langford Elementary 2206 Blue Meadow Drive, Austin, TX 78744


Sánchez Elementary 73 San Marcos St, Austin, TX 78702 512-414-4423
Oak Springs Elementary 3601 Webberville Road, Austin, TX 78702 512-414-4413
Rodriguez Elementary 4400 Franklin Park Drive, Austin, TX 78744 512-841-7200
Uphaus Early Learning Center 5200 Freidrich Lane, Austin, TX 78744 512-414-5520

For more information or questions, please call: 512-414-4752

AISD Department Contacts:

Enrollment Eligibility & Program Services

You’re never too young to start learning! Austin ISD now offers two options for Pre-K3 as early education choices for young children. Both programs offer an abundance of benefits to both students and families. However, there are a few details that make each program unique in terms of enrollment eligibility and program services.

Regardless of the program chosen, families must meet the minimum qualification for enrollment for AISD Pre-K3 to enroll in either Pre-K3 or Head Start. Please use the reference guide below to better understand the benefits of both programs.

For more information about enrollment eligibility for AISD Head Start, please call: 512-414-4752. For more information about enrollment eligibility for AISD Pre-K3, please call: 512-414-PREK (7735).

 *Must complete both the Austin ISD Pre-K application and the AISD Head Start application in order to be considered for admission into the program.

Program Comparison Chart


Both AISD Pre-K3 and AISD Head Start

AISD Pre-K3 Only 

AISD Head Start Only 

Instruction taught by certified classroom teachers and supported by a teaching assistant 


Half-day early childhood education


Full-day early childhood education 



Breakfast provided to all enrolled students* 

Lunch provided to all enrolled students*    

Snack provided to all enrolled students 


Instruction created from Creative Curriculum 


Appropriately following Texas Pre-K guidelines 


Facilitation of appropriate activities and focus on child centered learning 


Adaptive learning activities for children with diagnosed disabilities as well as other special health care needs 


Must be a Resident of Travis County 


Assistance with basic needs supplies such as diapers, wipes and classroom learning supplies 


Wrap-around services in the areas of: early learning, health, family well-being, parent education, family engagement, etc. 


Assigned Family Advocate to assist with access to community services 


Free health and dental education and support services as needed 


*One meal dependent on enrolled session AM/PM – Both meals served in full day program