Publications Archive
English Language Learners Summary Report 2010-2011
Twenty-nine percent of 2010-2011 AISD students were English language learners (ELLs). The majority of ELLs (62%) made progress in English proficiency and they showed overall improvement in most TAKS content areas for most grades.
Dual Language Program - Pilot Year Evaluation Report 2010-2011
Ten AISD elementary campuses implemented one-way and two-way dual language pilot programs in the 2010–2011 year. What were parent and staff’s perception of its implementation? Did students advance in second language proficiency? Find out more.
Rising English Language Learners Population: Burmese Refugees, May 2011
AISD Burmese refugee student enrollment has increased since the 2006–2007 year, and the number is expected to rise as Austin resettlement agencies serve more families coming into the US. Learn more about how AISD can better serve this population.
Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language Programs Summary Report 2009-2010
Twenty-nine percent of students enrolled in AISD were English language learners in 2009-2010. The majority of them (62%) continued to make progress in English proficiency and their TAKS scores have continued to improve over the years.
Kindergarten and First-Grade Assessment Results, by English Language Learner Status, 2009-2010
On average, kindergarten English learners (ELs) had lower scores on the TPRI/Tejas Lee and DRA/EDL early reading assessments at the end of the 2009-2010 school year than did non-ELs. For first graders, no significant difference was found between Spanish-speaking ELs and non-ELs on the TPRI/Tejas Lee.
English Language Learners' Risk of Dropping Out of School, 2006-2007 9th-Grade Cohort
Ninth-grade predictors of dropout risk among English language learners were having an attendance rate below 90%, being 16 years or older, earning less than 5 credits, attending a Title I campus and scoring beginning or intermediate on TELPAS reading.
Question: Did mother's completion of the ePromotora program influence children's prekindergarten (pre-k) academic achievement, school attendance, and personal development?
This 2008-2009 school year program uses a train-the-trainer model in which Spanish-speaking mothers participate in a 6-week course about teaching early literacy skills and preparing their children for school. Sixty-nine of 107 mothers completed the program in 2008–2009. Students of mothers who completed the program showed academic gains.
Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language Programs Longitudinal Summary Report: 2005-2006 to 2008-2009
This report summarizes data on English language learners' academic achievement, English language acquisition, and other school data from 2005–2006 to 2008–2009 school years.
Question: What were the longitudinal Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) achievement patterns for English Language Learners (ELLs) from school years 2005-2006 to 2008-2009?
This report shows the longitudinal TAKS passing rates by subject area for AISD's English language learner students over time (2005-2006 to 2008-2009).
Exited English Language Learners Research Brief May 2010
This report examines 2008-2009 academic performance of students who have exited bilingual education (BE) or English as second language (ESL) programs.