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Videos for Parents and Caregivers For Parents: Tips to support your child's learning at home
College Readiness Roadmap (English) College Readiness Roadmap (Spanish)
Forms & Resources
All students participating in athletics, marching band, cheerleading, drill team, and dance will be required to obtain a new physical dated after April 15, 2024 prior to participating in any practice or activity for the 2024-25 school year.
Startup Lessons Austin ISD Calendar PDF (English | Spanish) Header As you work on the lessons below, be sure to log your revisions on the right side column when you are in "edit" mode. The page will not save if you don't have revisions typed in the box.
Tools for Success: Partners Resource Network (English Session)
Feb. 21 - 9:00 AM (English session) Partners Resource Network We will be talking about Partners Resource Network, a non-profit organization that serves as the Texas Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) as mandated by the IDEA law. The presentation is about what is our mission and what are the services we offer to parents of children with disabilities and youth with disabilities.…
AISD Food Service Resources Community Food Resources Austin ISD Family Resource Guide Central Texas Food Bank United Way
District accountability ratings halted by county judge (En español)
The latest accountability ratings, originally slated to be released Aug. 15, have been blocked for the second year in a row after a Travis County judge issued a temporary restraining order in a new lawsuit against the Texas Education Agency. Why it matters: The goal of the A-F accountability system is to communicate school performance with families easily. However, the updated…
Commute Resources for AISD Employees
As our region grows, so too does traffic congestion. Driving alone at peak commute times adds stress, negatively impacts health, and can be costly. This list of commuter resources is intended to assist employees in finding ways to save money and reduce stress through transportation options. Many Central Texans aren’t aware of all of the options available to them, and even shifting your…
Posters Public address iloveyouguys poster Secure door poster from iloveyouguys (English and Spanish) Drill in progress from iloveyouguys (English and Spanish)
Purpose of TELPAS TELPAS (Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System) is designed to assess the progress that emergent bilingual students make in learning the English language. It helps schools and teachers track each student’s English language development over time to help ensure students are making progress in English language skills. What TELPAS Measures TELPAS…