Austin ISD Receives Award For Its Visual Arts

Austin ISD was awarded the District of Distinction Award for the Visual Arts for the third year in a row on Aug. 31.

The District of Distinction award is given annually by the Texas Art Education Association to recognize school districts that are providing high-quality arts programs to students and promoting them to the community.

“We are honored to be one of the few districts in Texas to be awarded this distinction,” said Alan Lambert, visual and performing arts director. “This recognizes the achievement and excellence of our students and teachers in Austin ISD, and sets us apart from surrounding districts as well as charter and private schools.”

Only 4 percent of school districts in Texas received the award. To qualify, each district submits its best artworks and must meet a list of criteria.

As the winner, Austin ISD will make a one-minute video highlighting teachers, administrators and community members who have supported the visual arts programs.

“Austin ISD offers music and art to every elementary student on a three-day rotation which is not available in surrounding districts or charter schools,” Lambert said. “Our art teachers are certified specialists, and many of them are active artists and presenters throughout the professional and educational communities.”

AISD will receive an award plaque and be recognized at the TAEA Conference in 2022.

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