Austin ISD Trustees to Move Meetings to Thursdays

Beginning in February, the Austin ISD Board of Trustees will meet for their regular voting meetings on Thursdays, except the month of July when the board does not meet.. This change is occurring after the board approved an update to policy BE(LOCAL) – Board Meetings, on Dec. 11. 

The update includes a provision to specify that information sessions shall normally be held the second Thursday of each month, except the month of July.

In addition, the provisions in the current policy regarding Board Resolutions will be streamlined, changing the reference to “resolutions” to formal board “recognitions.” The provision includes a change to the number of board members needed to request a Special or Emergency Meeting from two members to three. 

This change will not affect public testimony or public comment. The process will continue to be the same but will be moved to Thursdays. 

Additional changes regarding agenda setting and approval will be considered at future board meetings.

More information can be found on the board meetings website.

The Board Policy Committee reviewed the proposed BE(LOCAL) at its meeting Nov. 12. The policy was shared with the Board at the Dec. 7 Board Information Session and approved Dec. 14 during the Regular Voting Meeting.

