Green Machine: Eastside Memorial High School Recognized as First Green Flag High School in Texas

Eastside Memorial High School is being recognized for its campuswide environmental efforts. The National Wildlife Federation will name Eastside Memorial as an Eco-Schools USA Green Flag school—the first high school in Texas to earn the designation.

The school is also being honored as a 2016 Zero Waste Champion and Bright Green Future grant recipient.

What: A presentation of the green flag at the flagpole will be followed by optional tours of the school.

When: 11:30 a.m.–noon Saturday, Oct. 1

Where: Eastside Memorial High School, 1012 Arthur Stiles Road

Background: In 2014, Eastside Memorial began Keep Eastside Beautiful as a beautification project for the campus. Eastside Memorial has been featured in the Keep Austin Beautiful newsletter for its participation in Austin Recycled Games. Last school year, the school conducted a schoolwide waste audit as part of KAB’s Generation Zero program. Through the audit, the school found that 82 percent of the school’s landfill waste was recyclable or compostable. To make it easier for students and staff to recycle, the school’s Green Teens club made recycling bins available in each class. Additionally, the construction tech class built 3D display boards to remind the community to recycle.

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