Help AISD Envision a Campus for All Northeast Austin Students

District seeking community input on plan for site in Mueller neighborhood

Austin ISD wants to hear from the community to discuss a possible facility on a 10-acre tract in the Mueller neighborhood in northeast Austin.

The project is called Imagine Northeast Austin.

Input is needed on the following questions:

  • What type of facility should be prioritized?
  • If a school or schools were built on the site, what grades should be included?
  • Who would be ideal partners to help ensure that the facility serves the entire northeast Austin community with excellence and equity?

Community feedback is integral to the development of the final plan for the 10-acre site.

When: 5–7 p.m. March 3

Where: Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex, 1156 Hargrave St.

The location is accessible by public transit via these routes: Route 2, Route 6 and Route 300.

AISD also encourages community members to click here to submit comments online

Refreshments, child care and interpretation services will be provided.

For more information, please visit Imagine Northeast Austin online, or contact Celso Baez at 512-414-1155 or