Since its launch in 2009, the Afterschool Meal Program at AISD has expanded to serve about 3,500 students. In addition, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Austin and Capital Area Food Bank serve more than 500 additional students through their programs at AISD campuses.
Sanchez, Walnut Creek and Wooten elementary schools started after-school meal programs earlier this year, and the district will add after-school meals at Casey and Reilly elementary schools and Martin, Dobie and Paredes middle schools in February.
Currently, dinner is available at 47 AISD sites; 36 are run by AISD’s Food Service Department.
“At AISD we focus on the whole child, and nutrition is part of that focus,” said Austin ISD’s Nutrition and Food Services Director Anneliese Tanner. “After-school meal programs at AISD are widely successful. We are ensuring that we are increasing healthy food accessibility to our students.”
Schools have always been able to provide a snack to students attending after-school programs using the School Lunch Program. However, if schools choose to enroll in the Afterschool Meals Program, they can provide full meals to each student and be reimbursed.
The district began its current program with the Child and Adult Care Food Program in 2013. The program allows schools to provide a free meal and/or snack to students involved in enrichment programs like tutoring, music and sports.
This year, AISD started feeding student athletes at high schools after school every day, and has increased participation in the program overall each month.
Athletic Director Leal Anderson said the meals play an important role for high school athletes.
“Nutritious meals for our student athletes will ultimately help them perform better academically,” Anderson said.
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