Gorzycki Middle School Teacher Receives First SUPERintendent Coin

Superintendent Paul Cruz will award the coins to recognize exceptional service by AISD teachers and staff

Austin ISD recognizes that having the best teachers and staff creates a culture of success for all students and the purpose of the SUPERintendent coin initiative is to reward their outstanding work. 
Challenge coins were first used in the Roman Empire to present to soldiers to recognize their achievements. They have since been used in various organizations, particularly the military, to recognize achievements, enhance morale and identify membership to a specific group.

The SUPERintendent coins were minted specifically to recognize employees who go above and beyond to create a positive, engaging environment that challenges students to learn more effectively.
Superintendent Paul Cruz delivered the first SUPERintendent coin to Goryzcki Middle School teacher Cynthia Christensen during her fashion and interior design class, for a project completed by students in the fall.
Using a simple pattern and some old pillowcases, Christensen's students sewed 40 dresses for children in Africa.
"It was a lot of fun. They really got excited that they were able to use their skills," Christensen said. "It gave them the opportunity to think of others and help people who could really use it."
Christensen said that she hopes to make the project a regular part of the curriculum for the class, and that she was honored for her students' work to be recognized by Cruz.
Cruz and principals will work together to award coins to faculty and staff throughout each school year. 
Austin ISD is the largest school district in Central Texas, serving more than 83,000 students at 130 schools. Follow AISD on Twitter at @AustinISD or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/austinisd.