AISD Leadership Joins in City Planning, Zoning Decisions

Austin ISD Board of Trustee President Gina Hinojosa appointed Board Secretary Jayme Mathias to represent AISD at the city of Austin’s Planning Commission as an ex officio member.

The planning commission recently changed its charter to allow the AISD Board of Trustee president to appoint a designee to represent the district. Mathias will bring AISD concerns before the committee as well as provide information when needed.

“Zoning has a substantial impact on the viability of our schools and school communities,” Hinojosa said. “We appreciate the Austin City Council for embracing and facilitating our involvement.”

AISD trustees are also taking a leadership role in how Austin grows, with the appointment of Austin Voices for Education and Youth’s Susan Moffat to the city's CodeNEXT Advisory Committee. Moffat will represent AISD’s interests. 

CodeNEXT is an initiative to revise the Land Development Code, which regulates new development, redevelopment, zoning, subdivisions, transportation and parking, outdoor signs, site plans, drainage, watershed protection and open space.

The planning commission meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month—except November and December—in the council chambers.

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