Nation's Report Card: Comparison of 21 Districts Shows AISD Among Best in Nation

AISD students continue to outperform their peers in large urban school districts on the Nation's Report Card, ranking among the top in both math and reading.

Today, the National Assessment of Educational Progress reported AISD students ranked second in fourth and eighth grade math as well as eighth grade reading. In fourth grade reading, AISD students ranked fifth among 21 districts participating in a Trial Urban District Assessment.
"We're pleased with our results. We continue to perform well as a district, surpassing students across the nation," AISD Superintendent Paul Cruz said. "I am proud of the work our teachers and students do every day in the classroom to make sure our students learn and excel."
Relative to other urban districts, results for mathematics were particularly strong. This is a testament to the district's emphasis on numeracy, integrating challenging content within the curriculum and the investment of resources to provide supports for students. 
"The results for Austin on the latest national assessment in reading and math continue to place the city's school district among the best in the nation. While national and state trends dipped, the Austin schools defied the odds by remaining consistently excellent," said Executive Director of the Council of the Great City Schools Michael Casserly.
Since 2005, AISD has participated in NAEP's Trial Urban District Assessment administration, otherwise known as the Nation's Report Card. Representative samples of students from a total of 21 school districts across the United States participated in the 2015 assessment of fourth and eighth grade students in reading and mathematics. The study provides an opportunity to benchmark progress over time as well as performance against students in other participating urban districts, large U.S. cities and the nation.
To see the complete report, visit