United Way for Greater Austin And Austin Independent School District To Make Significant Early Childhood Education Announcement That Will Impact Hundreds of Low-Income Children in Austin

On Behalf of United Way:

WHAT: United Way for Greater Austin (UWATX) will announce a significant grant to Austin Independent School District (AISD) to allow for expanded early childhood education. 

The grant will target low-income families from under-resourced neighborhoods in Austin. 

WHO: Debbie Bresette, president, United Way for Greater Austin Dr. Paul Cruz, superintendent, Austin Independent School District Dr. Leah Newkirk Meunier, vice president, strategic programs at United Way for Greater Austin 

WHEN: Thursday, April 2, 2015 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 

WHERE: Lucy Read Pre-Kindergarten Demonstration School 2608 Rich Creek Austin, TX 78757 

VISUALS: Video/photograph opportunities of current Pre-K classroom at Lucy Read Interviews with a family participating in a Pre-K 3 pilot program 

*Please contact Lisa Candido (512.626.0442) or Lia Pette (281.793.5581) if you are planning to attend so that we may assist in on-site coordination. 

United Way for Greater Austin 

United Way for Greater Austin inspires, leads and unites an eclectic community of philanthropists including individuals, nonprofits, business and government to overcome barriers to economic opportunities and ensure Greater Austin continues to thrive. United Way for Greater Austin's work is research-based and results driven and resources are invested so that everyone has access to the promise of Austin.