MEDIA ADVISORY Webb Middle School Students Perform at Free St. John’s Tree Lighting

Join the St. John’s community in a free, public holiday event featuring musical performances, face painting, crafts, snacks and Santa lighting a holiday tree.

Who: United Way for Greater Austin, a local nonprofit and community service organization, is sponsoring this tree lighting with musical performances by Webb Middle School students.

What: UWATX is hosting the first St. John’s Community Tree Lighting, featuring a 15-foot tree, sponsored by Capitol Metro. The event is open to the public.

When: 4:15–6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 2

Where: Webb Middle School, 601 E. St. Johns Avenue

Background: Webb Middle School benefits from the United Way’s Target Graduation program. The program has invested more than $300,000 in Webb Middle School students during the 2014 academic year. Target Graduation focuses on boosting lagging graduation rates.

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