AUSTIN, Texas—The Austin Independent School District released the following statement on 2014 Children at Risk Rankings:
Austin ISD is pleased that the Children at Risk rankings acknowledge the exceptional performance of the Liberal Arts and Science Academy by awarding that high school the only A+ in the Greater Austin area.
We also are pleased that Bowie, Anderson, Austin and McCallum high schools; Gorzycki, Ann Richards School for Young Women, Murchison, O’Henry, Bailey, Fulmore, Small and Lamar middle schools; and Clayton, Casis, Hill, Gullett, Bryker, Highland Park, Baldwin, Doss, Baranoff, Oak Hill, Lee, Mills, Kiker, Davis, Barton Hills, Summitt, Cowan, Dawson, Mathews, Blackshear, Graham, Patton, Brentwood, Zilker, Pease, Travis Heights, Becker, Casey, Boone, St. Elmo, Ortega, Maplewood, Joslin, Pleasant Hill, Kocurek, Reilly, Ridgetop, Blanton, Hart, McBee, and Cunningham elementary schools received high ranks.
The district acknowledges that there is still work to do at some schools and we continue to provide additional support at those campuses.
While we are always interested in multiple views on the performance of our schools, it should be noted that the 2014 Children at Risk campus and district ratings are based on STAAR results that are more than a year old.
STAAR results from 2012-13 were used to assess the needs of our students and inform instructional practices for the current school year. State accountability ratings, which are based on school year 2013-14 performance, will be released by the Texas Education Agency Aug. 8.