AISD Invites Community to Share Input on School Boundaries; Proposed Attendance Area Would Affect McBee, Walnut Creek and Wooldridge Elementary Schools

AUSTIN, TEXAS—Austin ISD’s Boundary Advisory Committee invites community members to learn about and share feedback on a proposed attendance area for the new North Central Elementary School No. 1 at 102 E. Rundberg Lane.
BAC is charged with developing recommendations for the creation of, and adjustment to, boundaries for school attendance areas, and is seeking community input before moving forward with a recommendation to the district’s leadership. The proposed attendance area would affect McBee, Walnut Creek and Wooldridge elementary schools.

Who: AISD representatives, community members and parents and caregivers

What: Presentation on a proposed attendance area for North Central Elementary School No. 1, and community feedback on the committee’s work to date.  

When: 6:30-9 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 7

Where: Lanier High School Cafeteria, 1201 Payton Gin Road

For more information, please contact AISD’s community engagement team at 414-4457 or visit… to view the agenda for the meeting.