AISD Summer High School Registration Begins Online

Online registration for the Austin School District's 2011 Summer High School is underway, and will continue through May 20. This, and other information for families seeking summer programs, can be found at AISD’s website,

AISD Summer High School

The AISD summer high school program will be held at:

  • Akins High School, 10701 South First St., for students who attend Akins, Austin, Ann Richards, Bowie, Crockett, and Travis high schools.
  • LBJ High School, 7309 Lazy Creek Dr., for students who attend Anderson, Eastside Memorial, International, LASA, Lanier, LBJ, McCallum, and Reagan high schools.

Summer High School will have two sessions — June 13-30, and July 18-August 9. Classes include core courses for credit recovery (student has previously failed the class), and elective classes for recovery and acceleration.

Walk-in registration will also be available at each Summer High School site, on June 8 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; June 9, from 3-7 p.m.; and July 14 (second session only), 9 a.m. to noon.

Mail-in registration will be accepted until May 20. Registration forms are available in high school counseling offices.

Tuition for Summer High School is $115 per semester for AISD students. Tuition for out-of-district students is $250 per semester. Payment is due at registration with cash, money order, or credit/debit card. No checks will be accepted.

Free childcare for summer high school students with children will be available at Lanier and Crockett high schools on a first come, first-served basis. For more information about childcare, interested individuals may contact Suzanne Garza at 841-6645, or Rose Coleman, 414-7743.


AISD Summer Middle School

Summer school for students in grades 6-8 will be held at:

  • Bedichek Middle School, 6800 Bill Hughes Rd.
    Serving students from Ann Richards, Bailey, Bedichek, Covington, Fulmore, Gorzycki, Mendez, O. Henry, Paredes, and Small middle schools.
  • Garcia Middle School, 7414 Johnny Morris Rd.,
    Serving students from Burnet, Dobie, Garcia, Kealing, Lamar, Martin, Murchison, Pearce, and Webb middle schools.

Classes will be held in two sessions:

  • Session I, June 13-27, “TAKS Prep” for eighth grade students who failed Math or Reading on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills tests; and for English Language Learner students at the Newcomer Institute.
  • Session II, July 11-27, is for students in grades 6-8, and will offer credit recovery in Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Keyboarding, RAP, German IB, and French IB.

Online registration is not available for Summer Middle School. Walk-in registration will be held at the Summer Middle School sites (Bedichek and Garcia) on June 6, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and on June 7, 3-7 p.m.

Summer Middle School First Session TAKS Prep is free to Austin ISD students.

Tuition for Summer Middle School Second Session is $40 per session for AISD students. Tuition for out-of-district students is $75 per session. Keyboarding is $80 for AISD students, and $110 for out-of-district students. Payment is due at registration with cash, money order, or credit/debit card. No checks will be accepted.


AISD Camp Heatwave

Camp Heatwave is AISD’s full-day summer camp held at Davis, Doss, and Mills, elementary schools, for children entering grades one through six. Activities include swimming, arts/crafts, reading, and gym games. Tuition for Camp Heatwave is $170 per week during the period of June 6-August 5 at Davis and Mills, and June 6-July 29 at Doss. There is also a $10 registration fee. Financial assistance is available to qualifying parents.

For more information, parents may call 414-0220, or go to