Austin School District Strategic Compensation Program Receives National Recognition

The collaboration between the Austin Independent School District and the Austin business community surrounding the District’s Strategic Compensation (REACH) program was recently highlighted as a national best practice, at the Committee on Economic Development (CED)’s Best Practices and Enabling Conditions of Successful Human Capital in Education Systems Webinar and Luncheon.

The CED presented REACH as a case study at the March 22 Webinar because of AISD’s unique partnership in addressing human capital issues. The brief titled, "Austin, Texas: An Educator/Business Collaboration in Support of Teacher Compensation Reform," explores the results of AISD’s close work with the local business community to rethink human capital reform in education.

“How the Austin Chamber of Commerce has worked over several years with AISD, illustrates how a community of concerned stakeholders can work together to accomplish the common goal of ensuring that all students are successful,” the CED said.

This AISD REACH Program has gained a good deal of national attention, because it empowers, supports, and rewards teachers for innovation and success in the classroom. With support from Education Austin and the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce, this program was designed to advance the District's efforts to recruit and retain the very best teachers and principals for Austin's schools. The program supports and recognizes outstanding teaching, by offering incentives for raising the academic achievement of students. It provides targeted supports to build the capacity of staff and additional incentives to recruit and keep high quality educators at Austin’s high-needs schools. The program also supplies full-time mentors who support novice teachers with high-quality, individualized professional development, guidance, and classroom support.

The AISD REACH Program is now in its fourth year, and is currently operating in 19 schools across the District. Through these unique partnerships, AISD is working to ensure that all students achieve new levels of academic excellence and have access to high quality educators.

Download and read the full policy brief.

Learn more about the AISD REACH Program, visit