Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Cluster

The Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster

This career cluster focuses in planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail and water and related professional support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment and facility maintenance.

This career cluster includes occupations ranging from automotive mechanic, avionics technician, and automotive entrepreneur to pilots and logistics planning professionals.

Salary and job descriptions for select careers in this cluster:

Logistics Manager

Transportation Engineer

Certifications Offered:

ASE Refrigerant, Recovery, & Recycling

Campuses with Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Programs

CTE Programs of Study/Offered Courses

Automotive & Collision Repair

  • Principles of Transportation Systems
  • Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing
  • Automotive Basics
  • Collision Repair
  • Automotive Technology I
  • Paint & Refinishing
  • Automotive Technology II /Lab
  • Practicum in Transportation Systems