

Travis ECHS Hosts Annual Tamale-making Party

Family and community members, trustees and staff joined students this week at Travis Early College High School’s annual tamalada, or tamale-making party.  While the group worked together to assemble 1,500 to 2,000 tamales, many reflected on memories…

Austin High School head tennis coach Leslie Oduwole and her students celebrating her award.

Austin High Coach Earns No-Cut Coach Award

Austin High School head tennis coach Leslie Oduwole recently earned the 2018 No-Cut Coach Award from the United States Tennis Association. The award recognizes coaches who adopt a “no-cut” approach, allowing athletes of all talents the opportunity to…

Free Capital Metro Bus Rides for K–12 Students Now Permanent

Starting today, all K–12 students can ride Capital Metro services for free, as a permanent part of the agency's fare structure.  In June, Capital Metro began a summer pilot program offering free fares for K–12 students in Central Texas, and received…

Photo of Brenda Salazar

AISD Alumni Spotlight: Brenda Salazar

Creating functional chairs out of cardboard for an engineering class is one of Brenda Salazar’s most vivid memories as a student at the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders.  For weeks, Salazar and her classmates attempted to design and build…

AISD Board Welcomes Two New Trustees

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees last night held swearing-in ceremonies for two new board members and two returning members, and thanked two outgoing trustees for their service.  New trustees LaTisha Anderson and Kristin Ashy took their seats on…

Board Approves Renaming of Allan Facility to Anita Ferrales Coy Facility

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees at its Nov. 26 regular meeting approved the renaming of the John T. Allan Facility to the Anita Ferrales Coy Facility. The renaming will go into effect for the 2019-20 school year.  Anita Ferrales Coy served as principal…

Vote on Options for the 2019–20 School Calendar / Votar en opciones para el calendario 2019–20

Austin ISD is currently working on the calendar for the 2019–20 school year. The Calendar Task Force has worked very hard to prepare three calendar options. Please take a moment to review the summary of each calendar option below and express your preference…

Budget Briefs: Task Force Moves Toward Finalizing Recommendations

The Budget Stabilization Task Force continued its work toward finalizing recommendations at its Nov. 14 meeting. The 11th meeting of the task force was largely focused on approving language for each recommendation option to solidify a member poll. Here are…

Bowie High School Dispatch staff winners.

Dispatching the Competition: Bowie High School Newspaper Wins Pacemaker Award

(Story written by Rachel Baschnagel, Bowie High School journalism student.)

Bowie Girls Basketball Hosts Be-YOU-tiful Tournament

Bowie High School Coach Vickie Benson recently hosted the sixth annual Bowie Girls Be-YOU-tiful Basketball Classic.  The tournament aims to empower young women, and each year it’s driven by a different theme or message that focuses on issues affecting…

Budget Briefs: Task Force Continues Discussion on Recommendations, Presentation to Board Nov. 12

The Budget Stabilization Task Force continued its discussion of potential recommendations and reviewed a preliminary survey at the Nov. 7 meeting. The 10th meeting of the task force also included a continued presentation from the staffing and compensation…

AISD Bond 2017 One-Year Anniversary Update

Austin ISD Friends:   One year ago, voters approved AISD's largest bond: a $1 billion investment to embark on the first phase of a long-term plan to modernize schools and address overcrowding and critical deficiencies. Since then, our AISD bond team and…