Congratulations to the campus Teacher of the Year winners!
Elementary Campuses
- Allison Elementary School: Edna Rangel
- Andrews Elementary School: Sarah Soto
- Baldwin Elementary School: Gretchen Magana
- Baranoff Elementary School: Michelle Barrientos
- Barrington Elementary School: Atenas Vallado Mendoza
- Barton Hills Elementary School: Mina Patel
- Bear Creek Elementary School: Ashley Martinez
- Becker Elementary School: Laura Clay
- Blackshear Elementary School:Devin Rodriguez-Perez
- Blanton Elementary School: Ericka Perez Silva
- Blazier Elementary School: Quinn Ulrich
- Boone Elementary School: Christina Tapia
- Brentwood Elementary School: Karen Marshall
- Brown Elementary School: Lizbeth Banda
- Bryker Woods Elementary School: Courtney Jepson
- Campbell Elementary School: Erik Samilpa
- Casey Elementary School: Stephanie Milazzo
- Casis Elementary School: Taylor Raley
- Clayton Elementary School: Ashlea Cedrone
- Cook Elementary School: Susana Rodriguez
- Cowan Elementary School: Patricia Rusthoven
- Cunningham Elementary School: Jacquelyn Macias
- Davis Elementary School: Jasmine Hashemi
- Dawson Elementary School: Tiffany Harwell
- Doss Elementary School: Marjorie Hunter
- Galindo Elementary School: Meagan Best
- Govalle Elementary School: Vanessa Hart
- Graham Elementary School: Luis Ceccato
- Guerrero Thompson Elementary School: Adriana Schoemann
- Gullett Elementary School: Cathy McMillian
- Harris Elementary School: Jennifer Yom
- Hart Elementary School: Kristin Troegle
- Highland Park Elementary School: Lia Nudelman
- Hill Elementary School: Krista Davis
- Houston Elementary School: Elizabeth Polston
- Jordan Elementary School: Brian Smith
- Joslin Elementary School: Alasin DeVeny
- Kiker Elementary School: Amanda Prickett
- Kocurek Elementary School: Amanda Keel
- Langford Elementary School: Barbara Gago
- Lee Elementary School: Julie Brown
- Linder Elementary School: Jose Elias Yanez
- Maplewood Elementary School: Karen Cervantes
- Mathews Elementary School: Andrew Seaborn
- McBee Elementary School: Callie Strickland
- Menchaca Elementary School: Jade Bujnoch
- Mills Elementary School: Madison Huffman
- Norman-Sims Elementary School: Sharryl Mitchell
- Oak Hill Elementary School: Alejandra Chavez
- Oak Springs Elementary School: Ana Lee
- Odom Elementary School: Elizabeth Mirabal
- Ortega Elementary School: Emily Rogers
- Overton Elementary School: Gregory Ney
- Padron Elementary School: Omar Gamboa
- Palm Elementary School: Maria Rodriguez Arellano
- Patton Elementary School: Kristin Reider
- Pecan Springs Elementary School: Shyra Chapman
- Perez Elementary School: Kari Johnston
- Pickle Elementary School: Lolita Vieux
- Pillow Elementary School: Isabel Brooks
- Pleasant Hill Elementary School: Lacy Welling
- Reilly Elementary School: Lourdes Huerta
- Ridgetop Elementary School: Megan Almanza
- Rodriguez Elementary School: Amy Belinsky
- Sanchez Elementary School: Delia Vazquez Aguayo
- St. Elmo Elementary School: Chrystal Anchondo
- Summitt Elementary School: Erin Farris
- Sunset Valley Elementary School: Denise Escudero
- Travis Heights Elementary School: William Myers
- Uphaus Early Childhood CenterDeyanira Quinonez
- Walnut Creek Elementary School: Mirna Salazar
- Widen Elementary School: Marcelo Rodriquez
- Williams Elementary School: June Bennett
- Winn Elementary School: Jennifer Briones
- Wooldridge Elementary School: Maria Escobar
- Wooten Elementary School: Bricia Pizarra-Cruz
- Zavala Elementary School: Rolando Cortez
- Zilker Elementary School: Patricia Russell
Middle School
- Bailey Middle School: Lara Brown
- Bedichek Middle School: Lauren Smith
- Burnet Middle School: Susan Kaemmerer
- Covington Middle School: Ashley Figueroa
- Dobie Middle School: Vincent Cruz
- Gorzycki Middle School: Chris Martin
- Gus Garcia Young Men's Leadership Academy: Casey Milton
- Kealing Middle School: Mary McClellan
- Lamar Middle School: Lori Saucedo
- Lively Middle School: Iraida Amador-Mercado
- Martin Middle School: Michelle Scruggs
- Mendez Middle School: James Monfries
- Murchison Middle School: Alexandra Wood
- O. Henry Middle School: Crystal Gaffney
- Paredes Middle School: Rachael Morales
- Sadler Means Young Women's Leadership Academy: Gabrielle Palma
- Small Middle School: Daniel Sainza Corral
- Webb Middle School: Michael Geer
High School
- Akins Early College High School: Georgiana Morell
- ALC: Nate Vancil
- Anderson High School: Elizabeth Close
- Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders: Debika Ingham
- Austin High School: Alyssa Potasznik
- Bowie High School: Wendy Uzzle
- Clifton Career Development Center: Tatiana Antonio
- Crockett Early College High School: Phillips Adebayo
- Eastside Early College High School: Brian Benavidez
- Garza Independence High School: Joy Blythe
- International High School: Elizabeth McLean
- LBJ Early College High School: John Halliday
- Liberal Arts and Science Academy: Neno December
- McCallum High School: Nicole Sorto
- Navarro Early College High School: Enkelejda Bylyku
- Northeast Early College High School: David Thurman
- Rosedale School: Amy Bartos
- Travis Early College High School: James Crensha