Austin ISD's 2018 Volunteers of the Year

Whether they are tutoring students, helping out in the cafeteria, decorating a bulletin board or serving as field trip chaperones, volunteers make an important difference in Austin ISD schools.

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and campuses have selected volunteers in four categories who’ve made significant contributions to their campuses and their children. 

Thank you to all volunteers who take time from their days to support our students. See a list of this year’s Volunteers of the Year.

Mentors in schools serve as positive role models, providing guidance and support in numerous ways to students throughout Austin ISD campuses, ranging from academic support and career guidance to helping resolve issues that impede success.

All mentors deserve to be acknowledged for their devotion and commitment in making a difference in the life of a child. See a list of this year’s Mentors of the Year.

Parent Ambassadors model good family involvement by establishing links between home and school, making strong connections with school staff, participating in school decisions and engaging in volunteer leadership.

Congratulations to all the outstanding family members who contribute so much to schools! See a list of this year’s Parent Ambassadors of the Year.

Businesses, service organizations, educational institutions and governmental agencies all serve a huge role by serving as partners. They provide volunteers, donations, school improvement support, and much more.

Thank you to all the partners and their staff for their outstanding support of our schools. See a list of this year’s Partners of the Year.

For more information on how to become a volunteer at an Austin ISD campus, please visit Austin Partners in Education at

All information is current as of April 6. Don’t see your campus volunteers listed? Contact APIE’s Dawn Lewis at to honor the volunteers at your campus!