Help AISD, Education Austin get 40,000 New Books to Austin Students, Sign up by Dec. 20

Education Austin hears all of the time about the struggle for teachers to inspire students who are Title-I to become great readers without access to high-quality books.

Inspiring a love for reading and learning is a critical part to helping our children succeed in the classroom and beyond. With your help, we can bring 40,000 brand new books to the children of our district this spring.

Education Austin, the Austin Independent School District and AISD’s Literacy Work Group are joining together in an unprecedented effort to improve access to reading materials for students who are Title-I in Austin ISD schools. Our goal is to register all Title I staff with First Book

Superintendent Meria Carstarphen announced a renewed focus on literacy during the SY13-14 convocation. By enhancing the district’s capacity to facilitate literacy development for all students in Austin ISD, the district can increase students’ love for reading, writing, listening, speaking, and research. Dr. Carstarphen established the Literacy Work Group to establish an action plan for campuses and district administrators. The Literary Work Group is working with Education Austin to bring up to 40,000 books to Austin ISD students, teachers and campuses.    

To do this, we need Austin area Title I educators and staff – teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals and school support staff, community program staff – to sign up with First Book. Signing up is free and open to any Title I eligible staff member who serves a population in which at least 70 percent of the students come from low-income families.  

To get started, sign up at by Dec. 20, 2013.  Once signed up with First Book, you will have continuous access to all of First Book’s resources, including free books through the First Book National Book Bank, and low-cost books through the First Book Marketplace. 

Once we reach our goal of registering 2,000 participants, you will receive a follow up email from Education Austin regarding the 40,000 books distribution, and how you and your students can directly benefit.

Let’s work together to support today’s readers and build tomorrow’s leaders.  Sign up today at and help us bring 40,000 brand new books to the children of our district.


 Questions? For more information, please contact Education Austin at 512-472-1124.