
Zavala Elementary School in Central East Austin offers educational programs to inspire and motivate children to become lifelong learners. The Zavala community is driven by three beliefs: Knowledge is power, Education is a community effort, and All children deserve to be challenged to learn at their highest levels.

Zavala is recognized for comprising a diverse community of Austin's littlest learners and for bringing neighborhood partners and families together to support the success of all students. Zavala is part of the Eastside Early College High School family of schools, which offers students the opportunity to earn college credit and an associate degree

Keep up to date with the Bond Modernization Project at your school.

La Escuela Primaria Zavala en el centro este de Austin ofrece programas educativos para inspirar y motivar a los niños a convertirse en aprendices de por vida. Tres creencias impulsan a comunidad de Zavala: el conocimiento es poder, la educación es un esfuerzo comunitario y todos los niños merecen ser desafiados a aprender a sus niveles más altos.

Zavala es conocida por estar conformada por una diversa comunidad de los alumnos más pequeños de Austin y por unir a los socios del vecindario y a las familias para procurar el éxito de todos los estudiantes. Zavala forma parte de la familia de escuelas de la Escuela Preparatoria de Universidad Temprana Eastside, que ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de obtener crédito universitario y un título técnico superior.

Manténgase al día con el proyecto de modernización del Bono de su escuela.

For more information visit the Campus Website

Signature Programs

Student & Family Supports

After-school Programming—Free
Child Care During the Day
Communities in Schools
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students

Performance | Demographics

2022 STAAR Percent at Approaches Grade Level or above

72%58%47%63%0102030405060708090100ReadingMathematicsScienceAll Subjects

2022 Accountability

As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated.

Accountability Rating: B

Student Achievement: Not Rated: SB 1365

School Progress: A

Closing the Gaps: C

2022 Distinction Designations

Comparative Academic Growth

Source: Texas Education Agency

2023-24 Student Demographics

African American19.0%Hispanic66.8%White11.5%American Indian0%Asian0.4%Pacific Islander0%Two or More Races2.2%Economically DisadvantagedEnglish Language LearnersSpecial Education83.6%26.1%27.4%Enrollment: 226(As of 10/27/2023)