Austin ISD Board Asks for Submissions to Rename Lee Elementary School

Austin ISD's Board of Trustees invites community members to submit nominations for the renaming of Lee Elementary School, located at 3308 Hampton Road.
Nominations may be submitted online at or in person or by mail at Community Engagement Office, Facility Naming Team, 1111 W. Sixth St., A-230
Austin, TX 78703.
The nomination process will open at 8 a.m. March 29 and close at 5 p.m. April 15. Staff will compile nominations and coordinate with the Campus Advisory Council in preparation for the board to take action May 23.
To learn more about the process or to submit nominations for the school's name, please visit
During the Nov. 2, 2015, board dialogue meeting, the Board discussed the possibility of name changes, including the process and current policy. Following this meeting, the Board Policy Committee discussed policy changes to allow more flexibility in campus- or district-initiated name changes, and to clarify language on historical names.
At the Nov. 23, 2015, regular board meeting, the board adopted revisions to Policy CW(LOCAL), Naming Facilities.
On Jan. 26, the Lee Elementary School Campus Advisory Council held a public meeting to discuss changing the name of the campus. The CAC voted unanimously to recommend that the board change the name of the school, subject to further input from the community regarding the choice of a new name.
On March 21, the trustees were notified and discussed the Lee CAC request.
For more information about Lee Elementary School, please