Austin ISD Native American and Indigenous Education Program
The Native American and Indigenous Education Program will provide opportunities for academic support and cultural enrichment for Native American and Indigenous students.
The Native American and Indigenous Education Program will collaborate with AISD Student Support Services to provide a variety of services including Twilight after school tutoring and credit recovery on all middle and high school campuses, ACE Austin expanded learning opportunities on some elementary, middle, and high school campuses, and PrimeTime after school enrichment opportunities on low socioeconomic campuses throughout the district. In addition, based on grant availability, the Native American and Indigenous Education Program will partner with Great Promise for American Indians to provide after school cultural enrichment classes.
American Indian Parent Committee
Native American and Indigenous Education Program will form an American Indian Parent Committee to fulfill a possible future grant obligation. The “Indian Education Formula Grant” offered by the Office of Indian Education requires the formation of an American Indian Parent Committee (AIPC). The AIPC will meet about 3 times per year to provide input for the American Indian Education Program and approve the final “Indian Education Formula Grant” application prior to it being submitted. Parents of AISD students who submitted an ED 506 Form are eligible to join the AIPC.
ED 506 Form – Please fill out this ED 506 form from the Office of Indian Education and return it to The “Indian Education Formula Grant” is available to school districts who have ED 506 forms filed.
2025 Important Dates:
February 8, 12–4 p.m.
- Great Promise for American Indians—Indigenous Outreach Day
- Travis Early College High School—1211 E. Oltorf St. Austin TX 78704
- Potluck–Bring a dish to share
- Drumming workshop with Nico
- Powwow Dance Demo with Amy
- Meet Miss Austin Powwow
- Austin Public Health–Flu Shots
- Travis Early College High School—1211 E. Oltorf St. Austin TX 78704
Februry 8, 2–4 p.m.
- Central Texas Cherokee Township and Chickasaw Council of Central Texas—Garden Kickoff
- Ruiz Public Library–1600 Grove Blvd. Austin TX 78741
- Present Garden program and partners
- Heirloom seed available in limited quantities for those interested in growing at home.
February 15-16, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
- United San Antonio Powwow
- Phillips College Campus - William Allen Hudgins Health and Wellness Building Gym on the corner of Wyoming St and St. Phillip Way
- Grand entry at 1pm
- Two-day event with food, arts and crafts vendors
More to come soon. Please feel free to update me on Native American and Indigenous events you would like to share.
David Torres
Native American and Indigenous Education Program Coordinator
Student Support Services
Main: 512-414-1700